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Highlights from the Life and Ministry of Jesus

The following 25 selections from the New Testament highlight some of the main events of the life and mission of Jesus Christ. Click on the link for each topic and read each selection in order.

Clicking each link will take you to the Bible Gateway website, so please hit the "Back" button on your browser to return to this page.

Reading One
God becomes a human being
John 1:1-18

Reading Two
An angel tells Mary about the birth of Jesus
Luke 1:26-38

Reading Three
The baby Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Luke 2:1-20

Reading Four
The boy Jesus visits the Temple in Jerusalem
Luke 2:41-52

Reading Five
Jesus is tempted in the desert
Matthew 4:1-11

Reading Six
Jesus teaches Nicodemus at night
John 3:1-21

Reading Seven
Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman
John 4:1-26

Reading Eight
Jesus provides a miraculous catch of fish
Luke 5:1-11

Reading Nine
Jesus heals a man and talks about his heavenly Father
John 5:1-24

Reading Ten
Jesus teaches about money and possessions
Matthew 6:19-34

Reading Eleven
Jesus forgives a woman caught in sin
John 8:1-11

Reading Twelve
Jesus tells a story about forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35

Reading 13
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
John 11:17-44

Reading 14
Jesus and the tax collector
Luke 19:1-10

Reading 15
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey
Matthew 21:1-17

Reading 16
Jesus tells about the future
Matthew 24:1-25

Reading 17
Jesus eats the Passover meal with his disciples
Mark 14:12-26

Reading 18
Jesus is betrayed and arrested
Mark 14:32-52

Reading 19
Jesus stands trial before Pilate
Matthew 27:11-26

Reading 20
Jesus is crucified and buried
Mark 15:21-47

Reading 21
Jesus rises from the dead
John 20:1-18

Reading 22
A strange meeting on the road
Luke 24:13-34

Reading 23
Jesus appears to his disciples
Luke 24:35-48

Reading 24
Jesus appears again by the lakeshore
John 21:1-14

Reading 25
Jesus is taken up into heaven
Acts 1:1-11

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Updated: 06-August-2009
365 Days from the Bible

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